We can create pushbuttons on ABAP selection screen using the statement SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON. The event that gets triggered when the pushbutton is pressed is handled in the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event.
TABLES sscrfields. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Selection-Screen *--------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN: PUSHBUTTON /2(40) button1 USER-COMMAND but1, PUSHBUTTON /2(40) button2 USER-COMMAND but2. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *At Selection-Screen *--------------------------------------------------------------* AT SELECTION-SCREEN. CASE sscrfields. WHEN 'BUT1'. MESSAGE 'Button 1 was clicked' TYPE 'I'. WHEN 'BUT2'. MESSAGE 'Button 2 was clicked' TYPE 'I'. ENDCASE. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Initialization *--------------------------------------------------------------* INITIALIZATION. button1 = 'Button 1'. button2 = 'Button 2'.
Selection Screen Output
If Button 1 is clicked then we get the following popup.
Even we can add icons to the pushbuttons on selection screen.
TYPE-POOLS: icon. TABLES sscrfields. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Selection-Screen *--------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN: PUSHBUTTON /2(40) button1 USER-COMMAND but1, PUSHBUTTON /2(40) button2 USER-COMMAND but2. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *At Selection-Screen *--------------------------------------------------------------* AT SELECTION-SCREEN. CASE sscrfields. WHEN 'BUT1'. MESSAGE 'Button 1 was clicked' TYPE 'I'. WHEN 'BUT2'. MESSAGE 'Button 2 was clicked' TYPE 'I'. ENDCASE. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Initialization *--------------------------------------------------------------* INITIALIZATION. button1 = 'Button 1'. button2 = 'Button 2'. CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' EXPORTING name = icon_okay text = 'Continue' info = 'Click to Continue' IMPORTING RESULT = button1 EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' EXPORTING name = icon_cancel text = 'Exit' info = 'Click to Exit' IMPORTING RESULT = button2 EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 0.
Selection Screen Output