Dropdown list is a user interface element which displays a list of values from which a user can select one value. Follow the below steps to create a dropdown list in SAP ABAP selection screen.
- First build the list in the INITIALIZATION event.
- Capture the value selected by the user from the list in the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event.
- Use the selected value for further processing.
TYPE-POOLS: vrm. DATA: gt_list TYPE vrm_values. DATA: gwa_list TYPE vrm_value. DATA: gt_values TYPE TABLE OF dynpread, gwa_values TYPE dynpread. DATA: gv_selected_value(10) TYPE c. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Selection-Screen *--------------------------------------------------------------* PARAMETERS: list TYPE c AS LISTBOX VISIBLE LENGTH 20. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *At Selection Screen *--------------------------------------------------------------* AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON list. CLEAR: gwa_values, gt_values. REFRESH gt_values. gwa_values-fieldname = 'LIST'. APPEND gwa_values TO gt_values. CALL FUNCTION 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' EXPORTING dyname = sy-cprog dynumb = sy-dynnr translate_to_upper = 'X' TABLES dynpfields = gt_values. READ TABLE gt_values INDEX 1 INTO gwa_values. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND gwa_values-fieldvalue IS NOT INITIAL. READ TABLE gt_list INTO gwa_list WITH KEY key = gwa_values-fieldvalue. IF sy-subrc = 0. gv_selected_value = gwa_list-text. ENDIF. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Initialization *--------------------------------------------------------------* INITIALIZATION. gwa_list-key = '1'. gwa_list-text = 'Product'. APPEND gwa_list TO gt_list. gwa_list-key = '2'. gwa_list-text = 'Collection'. APPEND gwa_list TO gt_list. gwa_list-key = '3'. gwa_list-text = 'Color'. APPEND gwa_list TO gt_list. gwa_list-key = '4'. gwa_list-text = 'Count'. APPEND gwa_list TO gt_list. CALL FUNCTION 'VRM_SET_VALUES' EXPORTING id = 'LIST' values = gt_list EXCEPTIONS id_illegal_name = 1 OTHERS = 2. *--------------------------------------------------------------* *Start of Selection *--------------------------------------------------------------* START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE:/ gv_selected_value.
Selection Screen Output
how we put the list box in module pool program based on user give the input .
for example user give material code as ch* and press enter it display only ch*materials
how we do this requirement through module pool program