Use the following steps to download the ABAP internal table data to a file in SAP application server.
- Declare a ABAP internal table and fill the internal table with required data.
- Use OPEN DATASET ABAP statement to open/create a file on the SAP application server.
- Loop through the internal table and use TRANSFER ABAP statement to move each internal table record to file on application server.
- Close the file on the application server using CLOSE DATASET ABAP statement.
Below program uses OPEN DATASET, TRANSFER and CLOSE DATASET statements to download the file.
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Data Decalaration *----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: gt_spfli TYPE TABLE OF spfli, gwa_spfli TYPE spfli. DATA: gv_file TYPE rlgrap-filename. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * START-OF-SELECTION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* PERFORM get_data. IF NOT gt_spfli[] IS INITIAL. PERFORM save_file. ELSE. MESSAGE 'No data found' TYPE 'I'. ENDIF. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_data. *Get data from table SPFLI SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE gt_spfli. ENDFORM. " get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form save_file *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM save_file. DATA: lv_data TYPE string. *Move complete path to filename gv_file = 'spfli.txt'. * Open the file in output mode OPEN DATASET gv_file FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT. IF sy-subrc NE 0. MESSAGE 'Unable to create file' TYPE 'I'. EXIT. ENDIF. LOOP AT gt_spfli INTO gwa_spfli. CONCATENATE gwa_spfli-carrid gwa_spfli-connid gwa_spfli-countryfr gwa_spfli-cityfrom gwa_spfli-airpfrom gwa_spfli-countryto gwa_spfli-cityto gwa_spfli-airpto gwa_spfli-arrtime INTO lv_data SEPARATED BY ','. *TRANSFER moves the above fields from workarea to file with comma *delimited format TRANSFER lv_data TO gv_file. CLEAR: gwa_spfli. ENDLOOP. * close the file CLOSE DATASET gv_file. ENDFORM. " save_file
When you execute the above program, the data in the internal table will be downloaded to a file on the application server. Use t-code AL11 to view the file on SAP application server.
Just double click on the file “spfli.txt” to view the contents.