IDocs are sent to the Java Connector(JCo) as an IDoc-XML string. If you want to see how IDoc-XML look like, follow the below steps to download the IDoc to frontend as XML file.
- First create a IDoc object for a given idoc number.
- Get IDoc XML data as a string.
- Download the XML string to frontend.
PARAMETERS: p_idoc TYPE edidd-docnum. DATA: o_idoc_xml TYPE REF TO cl_idoc_xml1. DATA: gv_string TYPE string. DATA: gt_string TYPE TABLE OF string. *Create IDoc object CREATE OBJECT o_idoc_xml EXPORTING docnum = p_idoc EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE: /'Error creating idoc object'. EXIT. ENDIF. *Get IDoc data as string CALL METHOD o_idoc_xml->get_xmldata_as_string IMPORTING data_string = gv_string. APPEND gv_string TO gt_string. IF sy-subrc NE 0 OR o_idoc_xml IS INITIAL. WRITE: /'Error getting xml data as string'. EXIT. ENDIF. *Download IDoc data as XML file CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = 'C:\idoc.xml' TABLES data_tab = gt_string.
Downloaded XML file