Function module C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP can be used to display the popup messages with message types in ABAP.
Message class E4 (SE91) has been used for the demonstration.
If you want to display just one message use the export parameters.
CALL FUNCTION 'C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP' EXPORTING i_msgid = 'E4' i_msgty = 'E' i_msgno = '001' i_msgv1 = 'ZTEST' i_lineno = 1.
If you want to display multiple messages make use of table parameters as shown below.
TYPE-POOLS: esp1. DATA: lt_tab TYPE esp1_message_tab_type. DATA: ls_tab TYPE esp1_message_wa_type. ls_tab-msgid = 'E4'. ls_tab-msgno = '000'. ls_tab-msgty = 'E'. ls_tab-msgv1 = 'Error Message'. ls_tab-lineno = 1. APPEND ls_tab TO lt_tab. ls_tab-msgty = 'W'. ls_tab-msgv1 = 'warning Message'. ls_tab-lineno = 2. APPEND ls_tab TO lt_tab. ls_tab-msgty = 'S'. ls_tab-msgv1 = 'Success Message'. ls_tab-lineno = 3. APPEND ls_tab TO lt_tab. CALL FUNCTION 'C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP' TABLES i_message_tab = lt_tab.
This function module is suitable to display the messages of BAPI return parameter.